Labels:audio cd | ball | book | clock | door | person | sky | table | windowpane OCR: /Pccomputing AMIN MEGAPA CD go agree conditia asn erned ead ment ns of the of by found the this terms on CD license agree- and this All Ziff- Copyright Rights Reproduction Davis Inc Reserved in 1997 who ment before using this or part without CD By using this CD permission IS prohibite you agree to be bound by the te ms and conditions of the ag reement To Start: In Windows 3.x Program Manager. select File. Run and type D\RUN- -ME EXEJ (where Dis the letter representing your CD ROM drive) In Windows 95 insert the disc into your CD -ROM drive the Autorun feature will automatically start the disc If you have turned off your Autorun open My Computer om your desktop and double -click on your CD-ROM drive D56A ccomputing GAMING MEGAPAC governed iment indd Reser rved conditior douhle